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How do subscriptions work?

When you subscribe to a product, you receive 15% off plus free shipping on every order. You also have the flexibility to change delivery dates, skip upcoming shipments, adjust your delivery frequency, and edit your shipping and billing information at

Where do I find information about my current plan?

All of your subscription account information can be found in your primary True Botanicals account portal. Simply log into your account and hover over "My Account" > "Subscriptions".

How do I make changes?

Log into your account, hover over "My Account" > "Subscriptions", and then select the edit button next to the subscribed product you wish to change. From there, you will have the ability to adjust your upcoming shipment date, product quantity, delive

How can I skip an order?

You can skip an upcoming recurring shipment up to 3 days prior to the scheduled ship date.  Log into your True Botanicals account, hover over "My Account" > "Subscriptions" > "Delivery Schedule" and select the skip button next to the subscribed produ

Can I change the ship date of my next subscription order?

You can change the ship date of your upcoming subscription order up to 3 days prior to the scheduled ship date. Log into your True Botanicals account, hover over "My Account" > "Subscriptions" and select the edit button next to the subscription you w

Can I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel a subscription at any point in time with no penalty. Simply log into your account and hover over "My Account" > "Subscriptions" and select the cancel button next to the subscribed product you wish to cancel.

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